Thirty-one artists have been selected from nearly (perhaps over) 80 applicants for the Repurposes exhibition to be held at the Ellin and Baron Gordon Galleries at Old Dominion University, March 20–April 18, 2010. The artists come from around the world, with work representing a wide variety of media, including artist books, print, text, design, photography, sculpture, installation, video, and web. (Image: Wesley Stuckey, “Where Did The Forest Go,” No.2 yellow pencils, wooden clothes pins, toothpics, thread, sticks and matches, 72¨ h x 66¨ w.)
Michael Alstad
Kristen Alvanson
Mary Babcock
Andrew Bascle
Robert Billings
Alice Bradshaw
Andrew Breitenberg
Jenna Collins
Caroline Cox
Gale Flax
Scott Groeniger
Hilary Jack
Daniel Jasper
JK Keller
John Kramer
Roselyn Leibowitz
Ann Liu
Paul Matosic
Chris McCampbell
Steven McCarthy
Rebecca Mushtare
Antonia Perez
Vincent Romaniello
Marie Reig
Marcella Stasa
Wesley Stuckey
Beth Taylor
Bradly Treadaway
Isabel Uria
Supisa Wattanasansanee