“Entertainment Interrobang” at Scratching the Surface blog

My latest article, “Entertainment Interrobang,” has been posted on Jarrett Fuller’s Scratching the Surface web site of podcast and publishing. The essay proposes that graphic design belongs in the genre of entertainment.

DesignHer: Works by Contemporary Women Graphic Designers

I am co-curator with Melissa Warp of the exhibition DesignHer: Works by Contemporary Women Graphic Designers at The Eleanor D. Wilson Museum September 30 – December 12, 2021 at Hollins University in Roanoke Virginia. DesignHer is an exhibition of contemporary graphic design focusing on 19 women practitioners. If spoken, the H in the show’s title’s is silent, representative of how the story of design and the story of women in design are the same. It also symbolizes that for much of design’s history, the contributions of women have been largely unheard. A primary theme within the show is how women have been at the forefront of defining and challenging the conceptions of design; also, how design exists, often simultaneously, as culture’s most public and private expression. Participants range from younger artists building a reputation through internationally-renowned leaders in the discipline. From individually crafted objects to mass media campaigns,  speaks about design writ large through the voices of women speaking design to our culture. (In photo: installed posters by Paula Scher)