Humanities identity


I’ve created an identity for the Old Dominion University Institute of the Humanities. This is a program that “promotes interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on critical theory and cultural studies, allows students to pursue individualized programs of study that incorporate classes from across departments within the College.” Other institutions call these kind of programs Interdisciplinary Studies or some such. As shown, I settled on a typographic approach emphasizing the H of Humanities but segmenting the character to show the I. To represent that different disciplines were involved under a unified structure, I selected a typeface with related but distinct fonts to set the H in: AW Conqueror by Jean François Porchez. Finally, there’s a color scheme to make it all cheerful. As the system gets deployed, we’ll see if particular programs are paired with a font/color or we just rotate through the options. As I’ll be designing the materials, I can’t wait to see what I do.


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